Bahamas lifestyle

My Top 5 Summer Vacation Wishlist

13:47Lade Ibikunle

If you know me personally, or on OG on my blog/social platforms, you would know that my dream job is to get paid to travel. But as that's not happening right now, a girl can dream or make a wishlist till my account balance agrees or some madass travel summer sale lands my or I actually land that dream job. I'll be sharing with you my top summer vacation places to visit.


What's not to love about this place tell me? Just look at that perfect alignment of palm trees and the clear blue water. They actually have the clearest blue water on this planet! I am yet to see a bahamas picture with people frowning. They are always smiling like they are in heaven and I want to smile like that too.


I love the idea of basking under the sun in my cute swimsuit,  my shades (ray ban) on, under a parasole, drinks in hand...or taking a dip in the infinity pool. Chai! God know I need to visit this place! But right now even with all my cheap flights search my account balance is still rejecting. Welp!


I first heard about this place while watching a youtube video and I was curious to know what it looks like because the name sounds quite funny. But as soon as I searched Bora Bora images on google, I was smitten! What. Why are these nice places not in Nigeria Nitori Oloun? Such a nice summer/honey vacation spot.


You know I had to add this right? Dubai has been on my list for the longest, longest time. I check flights from Lagos to Dubai every month and I'm actually prayerfully and meticulously targeting vising next year ( at this point, I have to say it into existence). Plus I keep seeing the their ads scroll by my youtube videos. Maybe its a sign. Speak to me Lord for your servant listens!


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Do you recognize this wheel from movies, paintings and drawings? well, its the called the London Eye and the adventurer in my wants to break free! Its the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom and I most definitely will be adding to that number once I find cheap flights from Lagos to London. I would also love to visit Kensington Palace for obvious reasons.

For some jara, I would love to visit the Empire state building and statue of liberty in New York. Although I have seen a couple of  cheap flights from Lagos to New York, the other places kind of take preeminence.

Which of these places have you been to or plan to visit? Or are they other places you think I should add to my list? Let's continue the conversation in the comment section, I answer all my messages.


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