fashion fashion tips

DOs & DONTs of Color Blocking

10:31Lade Ibikunle

Hello darlings, welcome back to my blog. Hope you all are doing great. I really do not know why I have horded this post for so long, like 4 months. Anyways, it's here now and I thank God. Today, I will be sharing some DOs and DONTs of color blocking. 
Color block is simply an outfit made up of blocks of solid color Tweet: Color block is simply an outfit made up of blocks of solid color.
And just incase you are wondering if color block is still in vogue, the answer is a big, fat, YES! The only difference is that people have opted for less sharper contrast nowadays. So since that's cleared up, lets get into the main gist.


  • Use solid colors. Try clashing pink and yellow, orange and blue, green and black to create the most effective blocking effect.
  • Choose shades with the same level of intensity else they look unbalanced. Eg, soft pink and red, olive green and peach (as seen in this post), etc.
  • Opt for neutral accessories so all the drama is left with the colors.
  •  You can also try monochromatic color block. That is, clashing different shades of same color. Eg Royal and cobalt blue, olive and army green, etc. 
  • Consider your body shape when clashing colors. Use darker color on heavier body parts. For example, if you have big burst and small hips, you want to wear dark shades for your top and brighter shades for your bottom so your body is well complemented. Get it?


  • Clash different hues and tones. It won't look good
  • Block of color remember? so you leave prints out of it. 

Top: Mum's wardrobe
Pants: Thrift (N500)
Bag: Haute Signatures
Shoes: Thrift

Hope you enjoyed these tips? What other color block tips do you want to share. Leave in the comment section below

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  1. Perfect colour blocking babe. I love the mustard yellow over the soft pink. Beautiful look.

  2. Nice,I enjoyed this,I don't really know how to combine colours but I'll put this tips to use. Thanks lade


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