fashion schoolgirl

Acing The School-Girl Look | Valentine Rant

17:24Lade Ibikunle

 Wazap people!!!
Welcome back to my blog. How have you all been? How was your valentine?. Mine was awesome. We had a gift sharing thing in the office alongside games and food. I also received gifts from ... If you are following me on snapchat or Instagram (@official_lade) you would know this. Later in the night, I went out to dinner with my girls. Splendid day indeed. This would actually be the first valentine's day that I'm truly happy.

 I know a lot of posts come out all through last week till this week saying things like 'You can be single and happy' 'you don't have to be alone on vals day' 'take yourself out' 'buy yourself something nice' 'treat yourself to a good pampering' all of which I feel is easier said than done. Totally doable but not easy at all.

It's ok to feel lonely on valentine's especially when your relationship status says NONE. Afterall, loneliness is not a state, it's just a state of mind. And know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! So after mopping on the 14th, you are expected to snap back to reality on the 15th and get back on your horses. Remember State vs State Of Mind. Ok?

For my look today, I summoned my secondary school day back into existence. The innocence that comes with this look is high on sexy. Ironic yeah?


Classic pleats, collared blouse, pop-socks, bag-pack, beret and brogues are all ingredients to make a schoolgirl look whole. You can however loose some elements to oomph up the look a bit. EG, I would loose the pop-socks for a more edgier look.

Outfit details
Top: Old Gift
Skirt: Sister's wardrobe
Brogues: Thrifted
Bag-pack: Thrifted
Beret: Mums

 Kindly leave your thoughts on this outfit in the comment section below. I really want to here form you. And don't forget to share
Photo Credit: Adura Ibikunle

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  1. Looking good. Looking good!


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